
News and tips from Briskine.

Tags and new sorting options in the Briskine Dialog

The Briskine Dialog has received a big update, with a new look and some new features.

The Dialog, which is opened by default with Ctrl+Space or by pressing the Briskine Bubble, is used by the majority of Briskine users to insert templates, so we're constantly working to make it quicker and more user-friendly.

The Briskine Dialog with a new design and new features.

First, we've added tags to the template list. Templates will now be easier to spot when browsing, especially if you’ve set colors on tags. Remember that you can search by tag with advanced search operators like tag:en.

If you don’t want tags to take up space, you can turn them off in the new Settings panel. Open the Settings panel by pressing the cog icon.

Also in the Settings panel, you’ll see that we’ve added more sorting options. You can now sort templates by recently used, recently modified, by title, or shortcut.

We’re replaced the New template button with the new Actions panel. In it, you’ll find links to some essential Briskine actions, including New template. You’ll also find the Briskine version there, in case you need to check if you’re running the latest version.

The new design should feel a bit more lightweight and integrate better with the rest of the page. Finally, we've made some performance improvements that will make browsing and searching for templates faster.

Stay tuned for more updates and improvements coming your way soon!

We have a new logo

We’ve just launched our new logo, new typeface, and made some tweaks to our color scheme. Most likely, you’ve already seen the changes in the extension, on the dashboard, or on your invoices.

New Briskine logo

Although our old logo was great, we felt it could be a little too generic. Additionally, the fact that it was composed of two overlapping hues made it challenging to work with in some circumstances.

We decided to update the logo in order to better represent what Briskine does best, which is to save you time while writing emails, responses, or messages anywhere. Briskine accomplishes this by extending your current workflow with quick, dynamic, rich, block-level autocomplete functionality.

The new logo includes all those things, while still keeping a familiar B-shaped outline. It uses a single color, is more recognizable, and can perform better in different locations.

Regardless of your workflow or the apps you use, Briskine's main goal is to make it easier for you to complete your work more quickly. So, while we’ve been working on the new logo, we’ve also been working on more improvements and features for you. Keep an eye out for new updates on our blog or Twitter @briskineapp.

We hope you enjoy Briskine's new look and feel!

Edit tags and add some color to your dashboard

We’ve added some new features to help you better organize tags, and easily spot templates with tags.

Edit tag popup form

You can now edit tag names, add colors to each tag, and delete tags - removing them from all the templates they’re used on.

Hover the tag list in the sidebar for the new Edit tag button to show up. Pressing the button will open the Edit tag popup and allow you to make any changes to it.

Tag colors

When you choose a color for a tag, this will reflect everywhere the tag is used. Tag colors are most visible in the template list, but you’ll also see them in the tags sidebar, the bulk manage tags popup, and in the tag selector when editing a template.

Using colors on tags gives you a quick way to find the templates you’re looking for, when browsing the template list.

If you’re not big on colors, you can choose the No color option.

Template list with colorized tags

Create tags

Just like before, you can create new tags in the tag selector when editing a template. You’ll have to type the new tag name in the selector and, if you don’t already have a tag with the same name, press Return.

Delete tags

You can delete a tag by pressing the Delete tag button. This will remove the tag from all the templates it’s used on, and delete it from your dashboard.

🎁 Using emojis in tag names

As an extra bonus, to add even more personality to your dashboard, you can now use emojis in tag names. Copy the emojis from your favorite emoji picker (like or from our emoji picker in the template editor, and paste them in the tag name field.

Tags with colors and emojis

We know you’ve been waiting for these features for a while now, so we thank you for your patience and hope they’ll help you better organize your dashboard.

Reach out on our support email address, or on Twitter @briskineapp, for any feedback or feature requests.

New template list with sorting and more

The template list in the Dashboard just got a whole lot better, with design improvements and new features for sorting, bulk tagging, and more.

Last month we shipped the redesigned template page, and some of those design improvements are coming to the template list. We’ve made more room for the template details, and added a new sidebar with sorting and bulk actions.

Details of the redesigned template list page

Template sorting

Templates can now be sorted by the date they were created, the date when they were last modified, title, shortcut, content, or who created them. You can also set the order to be ascending or descending (eg. with the most recent first).

We’ll remember the last sorting options you used, so when you come back to the dashboard later, they will stay the same.

Bulk actions

All bulk actions are now grouped together in the sidebar. These will become active as soon as you select some templates.

We’ve made some tweaks to the Share and Delete bulk actions, and added a new Manage tags action. This will help you add or remove tags to/from multiple templates, and stay better organized.


To get a clearer view of how many templates you have, and where to find them, we’ve replaced the Load more button with classic pagination. When you have lots of templates, you’ll see it show up at the bottom of the template list.

We hope these tweaks and new features help you better manage your templates, especially when you have a lot of them.

It's been one year since we launched our rebranding from Gorgias Templates to Briskine. We've been in business for more than eight years now, and we still have lots of great things coming up.

Thank you for sticking around!

Follow us on Twitter @briskineapp to stay up to date with the latest updates.

Template page redesign

We’re rolling out a redesign for editing and creating new templates. You can now see more details about the template and perform more actions on it.

We’ve outgrown the previous popup based design, as we wanted to add some new features. That’s why, when you edit or create a template, the new layout will take up the whole page.

It should look familiar, but it includes many improvements. You’ll notice the main template form and the sidebar.

Details of the redesigned template page

Attachments and Add More Fields

Attachments and extra fields are now neatly tucked away, each in its own panel. The panels are closed by default, but open automatically when you edit a template that has attachments or any extra fields set.

Side boxes

On the side of the template form, you’ll notice the new sidebar. It includes the tags box and some new features.

You can now see which member of your team created the template, when it was created, and when it was last changed. You can also duplicate or delete the current template, in the Actions box.

With the new layout, we also made some performance improvements, so everything should load slightly faster.

We hope the redesign makes editing and creating templates easier, and ultimately saves you more time when writing emails or replying anywhere.

Reach out on our support email address, or on Twitter @briskineapp, for any feedback on the new design.